How is realization of followers, views and comments managed on soctarget?

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Reserved services shall be available to You as soon as campaign is enabled due to full automatic of the service. Just create an account and add some funds on it. Like that in your personal cabinet You’ll have access for campaign creation and its progress supervision.

Vimeo services

Price $ / 100

Vimeo Likes 1.81
Vimeo Plays 0.07
Followers 1.98

Where are we getting followers for your page from?

Above 17 million followers that are spread in more than 32000 communities worldwide are available to us. Subscribers will be brought to your page by promotion in these communities.

Our advantages

WE ARE THE BEST is many largest advertising agencies


Soctarget guarantees the best page promotion conditions with best quality


System algorithms allows any cheat and any bots attempts or non-unique likes detection, completely protecting your pages from any Vimeo claims


More than 70% of pages, promoted through soctarget, gets to Vimeo top

Answering the repeated questions:

Does service grant any assurances?

We give revocation warranty to each service we sell. And if somehow we’ll fail to fulfill your request we guarantee money-back.

Will those Vimeo followers i’ll get be real ones?

Among the subscribers involved by us there are none without full active profile and friends. And if You acquire above 1000 subscribers a major rise of activity (like new likes, shares, commentaries to new posts) on your page will be initiated.

Like is kind of Vimeo’s mood detector, a chance to show compliance or dissent with maker of the post. In accordance with number of likes video will travel through Internet, thus drawing various people’s attention. In order to enhance video’s notability, use Vimeo likes acquisition.

What’s the necessity for Vimeo likes to be bought?

This is where concept from foundation psychology course takes comes in action. If something has been recently estimated by others, expressing your thoughts of it becomes lot easier. This principle applies to entire man’s regular life as well as to virtual one.

User finds it easier to put a like under video that already has likes from few thousands of people. Also, You’ll initialize some kind of snowball in your Vimeo community when new comments will start to show up. This means that You’ll earn new likes, plays, feedback and shares.

Vimeo likes acquisition is similar to waving a red cloth at a bull, and toreador must response to a grand flow of viewers and play up to their concerns and curiosity.

Along with dealing with likes obtaining matter it is therefore necessary to find a way to page improvement and satisfactory filling and to hold already obtained users.

Search algorithms in the social networking are not much of a secret for anyone as well. Their results depend from the renown. Your posts has to generate a lot of likes, shares and feedback in order to assure high search ranking of your page on the Vimeo, hence bringing You extra audience. And since You can obtain from us followers that will exhibit activity on your page, with the aid of our service none of this is impossible.